
Mixed-Media Prints

I've been experimenting with various types of printmaking for several years and love the element of surprise as the print comes off the press. As with my other works, I am drawn to organic imagery. I often use actual plant material to make a collagraph or, when creating a monoprint, press a plant to the plate to make an impression. I combine techniques, using monoprint to modify a collagraph, and usually bring the image to the computer for further modifications.

MonoprintGhost001G MonoprintBlack001P
CapePrint3BCropB1 CapePrint2B1
ColloPerenlPrinted1Sm CoMonoprintTruro001ASm
CoPrintHorns4WHeadTaller2Sm CorGrassGiraffe5Sm
CarveandRoll001ASm CarveandRoll002ASm
CollagraphMinimalOrange001ASm CollagraphMinimalOrange003BSm
monoprintdrwing003IFINAL Drawing003AForMonoprintHFINAL